Monday, July 1, 2013

Liebster Awards

So I am actually surprised one person nominated me for a Liebster Award, let alone two people, considering I have only been blogging for about a month. The two ladies who nominated me are Daphne from Peanut Butter and Chocolate Life and Ash from Actually Ash, both of these lovely ladies have awesome blogs which I LOVE reading, so go check them out for yourselves. So because I have been nominated twice I thought I would answer both sets of questions in one post, I'll try to keep it short and sweet.

Here are the rules for the awards:
You must link back the person who nominated you. 
You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you. 
You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers . 
You must come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer. 
You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees.

First I'll start with Daphne's questions:

1. What are your three summer essentials?
A light foundation/tinted moisturiser, Lucas' paw-paw ointment, and moisturiser.

2. What would be your dream pet: an unicorn, a dragon, or a griffin?
Probably a unicorn, just because they are so majestic and mystical.

3. What's your favourite book and how has it changed you?
I'm not a massive book reader but I did read My Sister's Keeper and it's the only book that I have ever cried throughout it, it was such a beautiful book. (I also need to read A Fault in the Stars which I have heard is awesome). 

4. When was the last time you laughed so hard, your stomach hurt?
Saturday night/ Sunday morning. It was my friends 18th and most of us at her party stayed the night and I was lying on top of a couple of friends and every time they laughed I could feel their whole body shake which make me laugh so much my stomach hurt.

5. What are the three favourite things you have in your room?
My wall with all my photo's on it, my make-up draw (typical) and my bed, the most comfortable place ever.

6. Name five people that you want to have dinner with and why. They can be dead or alive, fictional or real. 
Ed Sheeran because he is pure genius in every way, Andy Samberg because I think he is hilarious, Amy Poehler because she is so funny and I love her in Parks and Rec and she seems like such a nice person, Hamish and Andy (I count them as one person because they basically are) because they are one of the best things in Australian comedy and also Channing Tatum, just because he is hot as hell. 

7. If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
That I could be a bit more outgoing and not to be as concerned of what people think.

8. What are the words you live by?
Try and be positive about most things, no one likes it when someone is negative all the time.

9. If you had the chance, what advice would you give to your 13-year-old self?
Takes more chances and try new things. 

10. You're a rockstar, what song would you sing at your concert?
Hmm, that's a tough one, anything fun and upbeat.

Now for Ash's questions:

1. Who is your celebrity style icon?
I don't really have one, but I've always admired Lauren Conrad's style.

2. If you could only wear one nail polish colour for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmm, That's tough, but probably a coral colour, maybe Opi's Cajun Shrimp that's the sort colour I wear most often.

3. Favourite singer/band?
I am totally in love with Ed Sheeran in every way. 

4. Favourite scent?
It has to be Daisy by Marc Jacobs, or maybe a vanilla scent, I'm obsessed with anything that smells like vanilla.

5. Twitter or Instagram?
I'm a twitter gal for sure.

6. What movie could you watch over & over again without getting bored?
Probably 500 days of summer, it's just such a cute movie, but there are so many movies I will never get enough of, mainly Disney movies, the little mermaid in particular, my favourite of all time.

7. Is fashion, make up or hair more important to you?
Umm, I would have to say make-up is probably the most important in my eyes, but they are all important as each other.

8. Gold or silver jewellery? 
Silver silver silver!

9. Favourite online shopping websites?
Asos, strawberrynet, beautybay

10. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? Why?
Europe for sure, in particular England, mostly because my Mum is from there and I just want to immerse myself in the country. 

My Questions:
1. What is your favourite make up brand?
2. What is your favourite season in the year?
3. Where is your favourite place on earth?
4. What is the one thing you could never give up?
5. What is your all time favourite shop?
6. Are you a morning or night person?
7. What's your favourite scent?
8. What's one thing you want to do before you die?
9. Are you a pants or dresses/skirts kind of girl?
10. What's the one piece of advice you want to give your readers?

I Nominate:
Nikki from Fairest Favourites
Jasmine from Jasmine Cara
Trina from Trina Wears
Ash from Beautiful Living
Bec from Bec and Beauty
Zoe from Writing Whimsy
Shannon from Shannon Marina
Ana from Ana Vargas Blog
Check out these lovely ladies because they run really nice blogs! xx

Thanks for stopping by,
- Meagan xx


Jasminecara said... Reply To This Comment

Thank you for nominating me :) I just uploaded my post: xx

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Thank you for nominating me, and I've just completed the post! x

Shayne ♥ said... Reply To This Comment

congrats on your award :) you have a cute blog

d said... Reply To This Comment

You totally deserve this award! I actually got nominated too X) I hope you can check my blog out! Maybe we can follow each other?

Nikki said... Reply To This Comment

Thanks so much for nominating me Meagan! I've already done a Liebster Award post, but I'll answer the questions here.

1. Revlon
2. Spring!
3. With my family
4. Hope
5. Target, I'm addicted.
6. Night, for sure.
7. Vanilla
8. Become a mother/raise children.
9. Pants usually, but dresses in the summer.
10. Follow your dreams!

Following you now, feel free to follow me back :)

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